LAWIG: A GDSC PH Info Session Event

Join us for “LAWIG: A GDSC Philippines Info Session Event” and explore the world of Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC)!

LAWIG is a nationwide event that will showcase GDSC, a program by Google that empowers student developers around the world. Our goal is to raise awareness about GDSC and expand its network across the Philippines, unleashing the next generation of tech innovators. 🚀

🗓️ Date: June 3, 2023 📍 Platform: Zoom & Via FB Live

🎙️ Learn from the GDSC team at Google, as well as former and current GDSC leads, who will share their insights and experiences on how to join or start a GDSC chapter in your school or university. Discover how GDSC can help you enhance your skills, access resources, and create solutions for real-world problems. 🌍

The Philippines is emerging as a vibrant tech and innovation hub in Southeast Asia, and GDSC aims to bridge the gap by providing students with access to training, resources, and a supportive community. Together, let’s pave the way for a brighter future in the digital landscape of the country.

🔗 Register now to secure your spot: 👇👇👇

🏆 Participation certificates will be awarded to all attendees who join us for this exciting event and have the chance to win awesome prizes. You will also discover how GDSC can help you enhance your skills, access resources, and create solutions for real-world problems.

This event is open to all faculty members and undergraduate students from different schools and universities in the Philippines who are interested in GDSC and in setting up their own chapter.

📣 Spread the word and use the following hashtags: #GDSCPhilippines #LAWIGGDSC2023 #GoogleDevelopers #GooglePH

We look forward to seeing you at the event and unleashing your tech potential! Let’s make a difference together! 💻
Caption and Poster by: Gian Aibo Boyero (GDSC USLS)